Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Getting Sued Over An Appendix

Here is my story:

On the morning of June 14, 2015, I woke up with severe pain in my side.  My son woke up soon after me and requested breakfast.  I told him to go wake up his Dad because I could not simply make breakfast...the pain was too bad.  When my husband woke up, he immediately called my in-laws about taking our son for the day because we were going to the ER.

It was decided at the ER after a CT that my appendix was on the verge of rupturing; however, our local hospital did not do surgeries on Sunday.  I was loaded onto an ambulance was taken to a town 30 miles away.  By this time I was given morphine to manage the pain.  Once at the second hospital, I was put in the ER while I waited for my husband to get to the hospital.  In the ER I signed all my consent forms (while under the influence of pain medication).  Six hours after initially arriving at the first ER, I finally have the surgery.  It was successful.  End of story....

Until the bills started coming in.  Granted I pay $300 a month in insurance premiums.  I knew I would not be able to pay in full any of the bills because one surgery would equal to at least 3 to 4 different bills.  My default amount is $25 until I know the final amount and the final number of bills.  I pay $25 each and every time I receive a bill in the mail.  When the hospital got its first payment, I was called and told that the payment was insufficient.  I was required to pay $40 an month to keep the bill out of collections.  I paid on the bill for six months without missing a single payment; however, I was turned over to collections for insufficient payments.  My medical bills were over $7000.  As a family who lives paycheck to paycheck, this was a hardships.  But I was determined to pay on each bill each month in order to show that I was at least trying to pay off these bills.  Only the hospital, Forrest General Hospital, would not work with me.  They even lost my tax information that I sent them to try to get financial assistance.

I was turned over to a collections agency, who refuses to sent out bills.  I am currently paying on seven different medical bills.  With the day to day stresses of just living, I need a monthly bill sent to me.  Collections agencies are the worst at working with people to pay off debts.

I am now in the process of being sued for the amount of $1200.  I was told by the business office of Forrest General Hospital that I had a choice when I went to the ER, so therefore I don't have a choice in the amount I owe each month to them.  The lawyer told me that since I am a certified public school teacher I can afford to pay him $200 a month to pay off this debt.  This lawyer told me to go get a loan...I am loaned to the max.  He told me to borrow the money from a relative.  I have a solution:  just let me make the payments I was making!!!!!

I have worked very hard to only make purchases that I can afford.  This surgery was life or death for me.  I didn't have a choice.  I couldn't go home and think about it before I choose to have it done.  This wasn't a cosmetic procedure.  I was faithfully making payments.  I paid off five of the medical bills related to this surgery.  Forrest General Hospital didn't give me a chance to paid off their bill.  This lawyer doesn't know my financial situation.  I never once refused to pay this bill.  I just can't pay what the lawyer and the hospital want me to pay for a surgery that saved my life.  I still want to pay off this debt because a service was rendered to me.  This lawyer and Forrest General Hospital are literally going to cause severe hardship on me.

And I am angered to see all the people who frequent the ER for runny noses and what not....and now, I can't even afford to take my son to the regular doctor even though I paid for health insurance every month.

No one is the voice of the middle class who are struggling to keep their heads above water.  No one wants to speak out against the medical industry who is causing the working class to lose the war everyday.  No one cares about the average person who is struggling to keep this country together.

Somehow I will not let this story will not stop here.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

How Can I Fight AT&T

Several months ago we decided to get Direct TV.  We had already broken our pledge to NEVER do business with AT&T when I had to get a new cell phone.  (I am NOT happy with their coverage!)  So we bit the bullet and got "satellite."  

We had not been happy with our local cable company's internet for a long time, so on a whim, we called AT&T to inquire about their service.  After being told that the installation of a line would be waived and the service would be cheaper, we decided to switch on the condition that NONE of our bills be bundled.  Jobs require separate bills for reimbursement.

Imagine our surprise when I notice that the Direct TV is not deducted from our account at it's normal time.  After calling to see what was up, we discover that our bills for the TV and internet had been combined onto one bill.  After a couple of attempts, we thought we had the situation settled.  It would take 3 months to uncombine and in the meantime, AT&T would credit us the amount of our internet bill that we could no longer submit for reimbursement.

Again....imagine our surprise when we not only get a internet bill, but get a internet bill that is not higher than the price we were promised to be locked into for 2 years!!!!  And a past due bill that we never received!!!!!  We went from owing nothing for two months to owing $150.00.  We had to track down a payment that I sent in because it was for the "old" account.  Now we have a "new" account.  We can't have the quoted locked in price because that was just for combined bills.  So we are now locked into a higher rate because we refuse to combine bills.  We were completely up front in the beginning that we didn't want to combine bills.  We were promise $150.00 in credit that never materialized.  And now, I owe more at one time than I am accustomed to paying...all because of their mistake.

Why can't my contract be voided based on false information or something?  Why must I be penalized for a big company's complete disregard of customer service?  This company has employees that flat out lied and will not own up its mistakes.  There has be some protection for the small consumers.

In two years...everything with AT&T on it will be out of my house NEVER to return!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

I Have Them Worried

So my assistant principal as been asking me everyday since Tuesday if I was good.  She is my friend on Facebook.  I have made some posts that indicated that I was none to pleased about the timing of the recent changes nor the delivery of said changes.

Yesterday, she came in during my planning period to have a heart to heart to just make sure I was all good.  She couldn't have the "staples" of the school upset.  I told her that given time I would be fine.  I explained how the timing was wrong to implement new formats along with new due dates because we were running a shorten week along with a mid week football game that affected a lot of teachers.  She explained that administration hadn't even considered all of  that....AND that, folks, is the problem.  Administration dreams up solutions to problems perceived without considering ramifications on teachers which will ultimately have ramifications on students....and not always in the good way administration wants.

But I have been in the game long enough to know how to play game and know that I will survive administration changes.  Administrators come and go because they are always trying to move up the pay ladder away from actual contact with students.  Some legit want to change the game, but the game changes them.

Heck....contact with students is where the fun is.  It's where you stay real.

I have them worried but what they don't know is that I'm not going anywhere....Someone has to fight for my kids.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Really, Just Really

I am a 17 year veteran of the educational system.  I am not new to teaching.  I have been through one or two or ten principals and a couple of superintendents.   I know my content area.  I know kids.  I am tough.  My kids deserve my toughness.  They only have one year left before the big bad real world hits them square in the face.  I accept no excuses.

I spend my summers preparing for the upcoming school year.  I always feel prepared.  I am always ready.

Why am I so unprepared at this point in the year?  Why can't I seem to get caught up?  Why is the administration changing everything every week?  The paperwork is threatening to drown me.  The endless deadlines that have nothing to do with teaching are causing me to reach my breaking point.  I am constantly told how little money there is; yet I constantly see financial waste.  When did teaching become more about numbers and not at all about students?

Now I have to turn in lesson plans on Friday instead of Monday in order to make life easier on the principal.  But administration did make it easier for me to plan...they got my a binder filled with all kinds of resources...my binder has 20 sheets in it compared to other teachers' with over 200.

I still haven't contacted every one of my students' parents.  It's really hard when I don't get home until 7 because of band practice.  I guess I need to stop teaching one day in order to get caught up.

No wonder people leave the profession....I am a paper pusher instead of a grower of minds.

Momma, I don't wanna go to school today.  It's no fun there anymore.


September 6, 2016

Three things I am grateful for today:

1.  I still have my job (not sure for how much longer)
2.  I have a wonderful 7 year old son who doesn't see all the negative in the world
3.  I can play Pokemon Go with my son without guilt.

September 7, 2016

Three things I am grateful for today:

1.  I have a wonderful church family who accept me warts and all
2.  I no longer am the only non coach in my PLC
3.  That today is Wednesday

September 8, 2016  (I am posting this late because a high school football game happened)

Three things I am grateful for today:

1.  I have an amazing Daddy who acts like a grizzly bear but is really a big ol'teddy bear!!!
2.  I have 5 rescue fur babies who have very unique personalities and make our house more a fun crazy zoo
3.  My life is insane and I have to remember that life is not about the job but the time away from 9-5

September 9, 2016 (Again posting late because work happened)

Three things I am grateful for today:

1.  It is Friday (Need I say more!!!!)
2.  We have a Sonic and there is a Route 44
3.  Audio Books on my phone!!!!!  (I don't think it's considered cheating the read the Book Club book through audio....Do you????)

September 10, 2016 (Again posting late because life happen)

Three things I am grateful for today:

1.  College football
2.  Clouds on really hot days
3.  Time spent with the family at The Rock

September 11, 2016

Three things I am grateful for today:

1.  Our Law Enforcement officers
2.  I have not forgotten 15 years ago
3.  There are those who are willing to lay their lives down so I will be protected both domestically and aboard

September 12, 2016

Three things I am grateful for today:

1.  For the sound of thunder...it promises the cleansing of rain
2.  Monday is only 24 hours long
3.  To Do Lists that get done

September 13, 2016

Three things I am grateful for today

1.  Crockpots
2.  It's almost Fall
3.  Gym memberships

September 14, 2016 (Posting late because I was beyond tired)

Three things I am grateful for today

1.  Air conditioned school buses
2.  Good friends at work
3.  Junk food at Church

September 15, 2016

Three things I am grateful for today:

1.  Amazing bosses
2.  Amazing kids
3.  Tomorrow

September 16, 2016 (Late posting because of a football game)

Three things I am grateful for today:

1.  Ponchos
2.  Short trips on school buses
3.  Older kids who don't mind little kids tagging along

September 17, 2016

Three things I am grateful for today:

1.  Lower temperatures....high 80's are better than low 90's
2.  Hard working band members who want new uniforms
3.  The generosity of strangers who just donate to a high school marching band car wash fundraiser 

September 18, 2016 (late posting....just a long day)

Three things I am grateful for today:

1.  Church
2.  Kids
3.  Quick trips to Walmart

September 19, 2016

Three things I am grateful for today:

1.  The last bell of the day
2.  Grandparents who can watch grandkids
3.  Sleep

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

I Really Do Love Teaching

If you really want to know what is wrong with our educational system, I will tell you.

First, let me give you a little background about me:  I have been teaching for 17 years in history.  Most of those years have been in a state tested subject, so I have been under a microscope.  I really don't mind attending relevant professional development because I WANT to be a better teacher.  I truly believe that what I am doing is crucial for the future.

However, I am tired of the politics.  I have been the History Department Chair at my school for 8 years...sadly the title comes with more responsibility and no more pay.  My school keeps hiring people in my department that can't do their job...they expect me (as department chair) to find resources and to do all lesson planning plus my own!!!  I keep getting the excuses "I've never taught this before."  Well, you know something....there was a time when I haven't taught a subject before and NO ONE even offered to help....I am NOT doing your job for your!  I have the same amount of free time  as you....I have a family, I teach Sunday School, I am Color Guard sponsor!!!!!!

Now....this year I have a long term sub in my department.  I have been told that I will need to find resources and materials for her to use in class.....WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!  So now I am doing the job of two teachers for the pay of one!!!!!!!  This is not going to end well for one of us.

You see....I teach 11th grade US History.  The students must pass a state issued test in my class to graduate high school.  For some reason, history is not important until students reach my class.  I have to teach content, historical skills, critical thinking skills, vocabulary, and to a certain extent reading.  That's a lot to cram into one class in a year time span.  And if test scores are not high enough.....I have to brave the heat and the must answer for the scores....even if the year before me there was no teacher!!!!!

My school needed two history teachers for the upcoming year.  We hired one.  There was a teacher at the school who was hired three years ago as a history teacher but was moved to science because he was needed there.  He desperately wants to teach history again.  The school won't move him back to history.  The sub who will be teaching history this year was teaching science last year....Go figure!

And with all this chaos, my district has decided to limit the number of copies we can make this to 3,000 the whole year!!!!  This will fun.  I have a feeling that I will be breaking some rules.  After all, my Geography class doesn't have books....

Administrators and politicians are doing the students a grave injustice be playing games.

Looks like I will miss my son's second grade year because I will be doing two jobs for the pay of one!!!!!!

Monday, June 13, 2016

I Am Not Sociable

I am a teacher.  I get summers off....Not!!!  I started planning for next year as soon as last year was over.  I have two workshops to attend and a new curriculum to write.  And I do want to spend quality time with my own family.

The first workshop has come and gone.  It was a three day event on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.  I spent two nights away from my family...right in the middle of Vacation Bible School.  This is normally a time for my co-workers and I to socialize away from school.  Normally I enjoy the sitting around the "dinner table" and shooting the breeze.  This year was a little different.  A vast majority of the teachers attending were several years younger.  Most enjoy the bar area.  And clicks were formed.  And I had a new book (the third in a series) that I was DYING to read.  And I had a room to myself.

I am weird.  I go to conferences to actually get new ideas...to improve my teaching.  I don't go to let my hair down.  I don't enjoy drinking.  I don't enjoy being in that scene.  I don't get why some think that conference means:  oh, I can do things here that I can't or won't at home.  I resent being made to feel that I have to be in that situation to socialize with my co-workers.