Sunday, February 22, 2015

So Long

Four years we decided to get iPhones.  So we went to our cell phone service provider and got them.  I was even talked into getting the iCare package...I never get insurance on anything.  Seeing as it was close to Christmas, we were somewhat worried about a larger than normal cell phone bill, but the service representative assured me that the first bill would not come until after the first of the year because of when the billing cycle was set up.  Imagine my surprise when just a week late, I received a bill for close to $400!!!!  I called the customer service number to complain and get everything straightened out.  I was told that there was nothing to be done, but I could return the phones and leave the company if I was that upset about the situation.  I was seeing red at that point.  It was perfectly acceptable for employees to lie to customers.
I should have left.  I did, however, just pay half of the bill then and half of the bill after Christmas.
Eight months ago, I started receiving upwards 7 to 10 telemarketing phone calls a day.  Even though I was on the Do Not Call list and told the callers to not call me again, I was constantly getting calls.  I would receive  phone calls at 8 in the morning and 10 at night.  I went to my cell service provider to see about changing my phone number.  I was told that it would not be a problem.  It took less than 10 minutes.  Again, imagine my surprise when I found out that I was charged $10 for changing my number.  No one told me that!  I called to complained and was told that I should have known
Four months ago we decided to get rid of the iPhones.  After researching we decided to switch to the Galaxy and stay with our current provider.  We were told that we could buy the phones outright for a certain price without changing our plan or going back under a contract.  We had unlimited everything.    Imagine my surprise....probably not surprised by now.....when two months later my bill increases by $30 dollars.  I go to the store to find out why.
And here's what I find:
I am back under a contract and the new cost of my plan is $80 instead of $65 per phone.  We were lied to again.  To say that I am mad at this point is an understatement.  And here's how the problem was fixed:  We had to return our Galaxies, but we could not get the iPhones back because they were sent to the factory (probably to be someone else's refurbished phones).  And everything would be restored to the way it was the day we purchased the Galaxies.  My husband, who didn't need a phone due to having a work phone, got out of the deal free and clear. I, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky.  I had to purchase a slider non smart phone and pitch a fit about having to pay for a smart phone plan to get that changed.
The next day I went to another provider.  Bought a new iPhone with a better plan.  Returned to my previous provider to return the slider.
Never back me into a corner.  I do not have to do business with anybody.  I am the customer.  You, my friend, are not the only show in town.

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