Thursday, December 11, 2014

Twenty Minutes, Seriously?

I am a teacher and have been for sixteen years.  But I am getting tired.  Tired of the politics.  Tired of the "know-it-all's"  who have never stepped foot into a classroom.  Tired of the paperwork that means nothing.  Tired of the disrespect.
For the most part I love my students!!!!!  It's the parents I have a problem with.
But that's not the point of this rant.
I am contracted yearly.  I can be non-renewed for any reason.  People want my pay tied to student performance.  Ever heard the phrase, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink"? These students are your kids....And YOU want to base MY pay on THEIR test scores??????  You know what they are like at home.  They are no better at school for me...maybe worse because they are trying to impress other kids.
I am a salaried professional who is to clock in at 7:15 and clock out no earlier than 3:30 Monday through Friday.  I get 45 minutes daily to plan for my FOUR different subjects that teach.  I must eat MY lunch with my students at the SAME table in twenty minutes.  If I buy lunch in the cafeteria, I will pay $3.50 for the SAME plate as the students (except I get a glass of tea).  On Wednesdays I am required to stay until 4 for professional development.  I am required to take up tickets at at least three ball games per year (most years it is more), so I don't leave school until close to 9 on those nights.  Ball game duty is off the clock because the time clock is in the building that is locked at 4:30, so inaccessible after game duty.  Then there is Open House, Carnival, Graduation, and other functions that my attendance is required.  All of these functions are in addition to the grading of papers, lesson planning, and various other activities that being a teacher requires.  My Sundays are usually booked with "school work."
In the sixteen years that I have been teaching, I have left campus, maybe, five times during my planning period to conduct personal business.  And, it has always been emergency type situations.  I have left numerous times to conduct school business.  But, now the district, wants me to clock out anytime I leave campus.  Ok, I get that.  What if I am in an accident?  But the district also wants me to request personal leave if I am conducting personal business.  Are you serious?  Do you not remember last Friday night when I was off the clock but still on campus sponsoring the Color Guard at the football game until after 10 p.m.?????  That was a 15 hour day that I worked and you are worried about a twenty minute trip to the bank!!!!!
I have to schedule bathroom breaks, but can't seem to get students to understand why I won't let them go whenever they feel the need.  Parents don't see the need for homework because Little Johnny is in my class for 50 minutes everyday...isn't that enough time to learn 300 years of history plus critical thinking skills????
I have been told that schools should supply paper, pens/pencils, highlighters, and whatever school supplies I require in class.
Yes, I am tired.  I am tired of hearing that I am to blame for failing schools.  Of being told that the state of education is all my fault.  Of feeling guilty because I spent time with MY family instead of spending time on "school work."  Of telling my SON, "just a minute, Momma is working."  Of society thinking my job is so easy anybody could do it.  I challenge you to sub just one day in your area schools and see that it's not for every one.
I am a professional.  And I want to be treated as such

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