Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Toothless, the Night Fury

Meet my son, Toothless, the Night Fury.  It amazes me how the loss of a tooth can cause so much excitement in him and me.  Just five short years ago, we agonized over the cutting of these "baby" teeth.  Teething caused many sleepless nights and tears to fall, both him and me.  As a new, first time mom, I felt completely helpless as he cut the first of many teeth.  I would check daily to see if that tiny speck of white had broken through the gums.  The first tooth meant my baby was growing up.  It was a bittersweet moment when I realized he had cut his first tooth.  Independence was not far away.  Time was moving so moving fast.  Looking back it seems like yesterday I made the phone calls to grandparents relying the news that my Little Man had teeth.
Now, as we prepare for the visitation by the Tooth Fairy, history is repeating itself.  My Little Man is growing up way too fast. Phone calls are once again being made to grandparents about the impeding visit. Soon more teeth will be lost to the Tooth Fairy.  Adult teeth will soon start replacing the "baby" teeth.  Independence is closer than before.  Although I am excited to see him so excited about the prospect of the Tooth Fairy, a part of me does wish I was back to just being excited over that little bit of white peeking through the gum.  We were so excited over the cutting of that tooth; now we are so excited over the loss of that tooth.  Funny how time changes everything, while some things still the same.